
  1. The website address is:
  2. I do not collect or store on the website any information about visitors to the website.
  3. Participants featured in any photo displayed on the website have given their consent for the photo to be displayed.
  4. If you email me with a booking request or other query I will keep your first name, last name and email address on a separate, password-protected email account for the purposes of sending updated programme information, booking confirmations, payment information, or individual support or suggestions for your project. Only I have access to your email details, and I will delete them at your request.
  5. If you send me your payment details by email (e.g. for a refund you are due if I have to cancel a workshop), I will delete the email when payment has been completed.
  6. I am not liable for the data policy of any websites that I mention in blog posts or emails.